Mara Schoots (1983), Shiatsu therapist and Do-In teacher, trained at IOKAI Shiatsu Amsterdam under the supervision of Sasaki Sensei. After my master's degree in Public Administration at the UvA, training as a mediator and the birth of my three children, I wanted to work more with my body. I chose Shiatsu because that way of looking at illness and well-being really appeals to me. Shiatsu focuses on improving the flow of ki (energy) in the body. There is attention for the whole person and not just for a specific issue.
Naast de vierjarige opleiding tot Shiatsu Therapeut heb ik een opleiding afgerond op het gebied van Westerse Medische Basiskennis, Do-In docent (Iokai) en beschik over een certificaat Stoelmassage. Momenteel volg ik lessen bij de Do-In academy van Lilian Kluivers.